Statement of Privacy

Information about the handling of your data when visiting our website


This statement of privacy is to inform users about the way, the extent and purpose of the collection and the disposal of thereof, of person-related data by the website presenter, in this case — SEM-Plastomed GmbH, Schulstrasse 6 in 57612 Obererbach/Germany, e-mail:, telephone: +49 (0)2681 95078-0 — on this website (referred to in the following as »Material presented«). Legal foundations of the data protection are to be found in the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG), in English: the Federal Data Protection Act and the Digital Services Act.

Access data / Server logfiles

The presenter (i.e. his/her webspace provider) collects data via each access to the material presented (so-called server logfiles). This access data actually consists of: name of the called-up website, file, date and time of day of the call-up, amount of data transferred, registration via successful call-up, browser type together with version, the user operating system, referrer-URL (previously visited site), IP-Address and the questioned provider.

The presenter makes use of the protocol data only for statistic evaluations in relation to the operation, security and optimization of material presented. The presenter however reserves the right to inspect the protocol data at a later date, if there is reason to believe the existence of evidence for reasonable suspicion to ascertain an illegal usage could exist.

Dealing with person-related data

Person-related data is information which assists in the identification of a person, in other words information which allows individuals to trace back to a particular person. Included also here is the name, email address and/or the telephone number. On the contrary, data pertaining to preferences, hobbies, club memberships or such websites seen by persons are included as person-related data. Person-related data is only collected, used and handed on by the presenter, when it is expressly legally permitted or when the user consents to data collection.

Making contact

The act of making contact with the presenter (e.g. per contact formula or email) results in information about the user being stored for the purpose of processing the enquiry as well as for the case whereby this is put into question.

Involvement of services and third party content

From time to time, that third party content such as videos from YouTube, mapping material from Google-Maps, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites are directly involved inside this online presence. Prerequisite always is that the presenter of this content (later referred to as third-party provider) recognises the IP address of the user, because without the IP address, the content cannot be sent to the browser of the relevant user. The IP address is therefore necessary for realizing the contents. We take great care to use only such content whose individual presenter uses the IP address solely for the purpose of delivering the content. However, we have no influence in case the third-party provider saves the IP address for statistical purposes for example. If and when it comes to our knowledge, we clarify this with the user.


Cookies are small files which enable the saving of information onto the accessing device of the user (PC, smartphone among others) which is specific to that device. On the one hand they serve the user-friendliness of websites and thereby the user (e.g. the saving of log-in data). On the other hand, it serves compilation of statistical data of the website usage and analyses it for the purpose of improving the presence on the web. Users can play an important role in influencing the deployment of cookies. Most browsers have an option about the saving of cookies which limits or even completely restricts them. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that usage and especially the user comfort can be limited without cookies.


This web presence makes use of Matomo , an Open-Source-Software for statistic evaluation of user access. Matomo uses so-called cookies, text files which are stored on the computer of the user and thereby enable an evaluation analysis of the website usage through the user. Information pertaining to the usage of this web presence created through the cookie is saved onto the server of the presenter, here in Germany. The IP address is rendered anonymous immediately after processing and before saving. Users can prevent the installation of cookies per corresponding adjustment in their browser software. The presenter does however make it known to the user that in this case, where appropriate, not all functions inside this website can be used.

Revocation, changes, amendments and updates

The user has the right, upon request and to receive free of charge, information pertaining to person-related data about him which is saved. Additionally, the user has the right of rectification of inaccurate data, blocking and deletion of his person-related data, insofar as no legal retention obligation precludes.